The local science/research centres are successful…
in many fields; everything from ecological sciences to cardiovascular treatments and neurological illnesses to examining toxins. And these centres are even successful in receiving prestigious international grants!
Brno is the centre of research, development and innovation. Only their application…
in the commercial sector brings significance to the whole region. We support cooperation between academic departments, technological and innovatiove companies and scientific research centres. These centres are among the most successful in Europe in winning international grants.
Brno attracts talented people – students, academics, scientists, and innovators. Brno is…
city of universities, and many graduates look for employment here. The opportunity for quality education also attracts foreign scientists to Brno; there are 11 European Research Council grant holders and members of the prestigious organisations EMBO and EHA.
We say that everyone knows everyone in Brno…
That’s why we can work closely with the South Moravian Region, local universities and the business sector under the banner of the Regional Innovation Strategy. In 2002, we were the first in the Czech Republic to design an innovation strategy.
We consider supporting talents and developing the scientific potential of pupils, students, and scientists…
to be one of our main priorities. That’s why we popularise science at public events and also participate in projects like Brno Ph.D. Talent, Back4Future, and the Czech Centre in Kharkiv, which bring talented, beginner scientists to Brno. We also join urban development with local university students who have already been presenting their ideas and opinions to the city since 2011 via the MUNISS competition.
Brno has a vision. You can find the values and goals for the city’s long-term development…
in the Strategy Brno 2050. It was co-developed with the participation of the general public. Partners from many businesses and the academic sector helped us to define the goals using polls on innovation and education. Thus, we know exactly how to ensure that, by 2050, Brno is and will continue to be the Central European Centre of Science, Research, and Innovation as well as an educated university town.
We’re also active on a European level. Brno was one of a few cities…
invited to join the City Science Initiative, which serves to share experiences from both the public and academic spheres and utilises scientific learnings to improve the everyday lives of the inhabitants of European cities.
Write to us, and we’ll see how we can help.