20 years of Brno in the European Union commemorated by an exhibition in a popular city park

Smart Brno

Projects supported by European funds that have changed our city over the last 20 years can be seen in the park on Moravské náměstí from 9 May. An exhibition of large-format photographs by Petr Ryp offers authentic views of Brno. The European Union has contributed more than CZK 12.6 billion to the city of Brno for the construction of major transport infrastructure and environmental projects, the restoration of monuments, parks and projects in the fields of education, culture, social services and sport.

The opening took place on Europe Day, which refers to 9 May 1950. This is the day when French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman called for the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in his declaration, which prefigured today’s European Union.

The photographs will be on display in the centre of Brno until 17 June. They will be moved from the park to Liberty Square on 23 May and then to Malinovský Square in front of the Mahen Theatre on 30 May.

Thanks for their help in preparing the exhibition go to colleagues from municipal companies, contributory organisations, municipal departments and especially to photographer Petr Ryp and the Brno Observatory and Planetarium.