What's new in artificial intelligence? Visit AI Days in Brno

BusinessScienceSmart Brno

AI Days for all those interested in artificial intelligence and its applications start on 13 October in Brno. Come and hear news from the world of AI in business, education and public administration. Find out what is currently happening in the field of artificial intelligence and how this technology is evolving.

The opening event in Brno will take place as part of the Future Gate Sci-fi Film Festival. The Brno Observatory and Planetarium will offer the audience a discussion and reflection on whether we can teach machines to think and feel.

Lectures, workshops, concrete examples of AI use and other events in Brno until 18 October were prepared by the Brno.AI platform, which helps to develop the AI community in the #brnoregion.

From laymen and enthusiasts, to students, academics or top experts from companies or public institutions, they can all get a glimpse of AI across disciplines and in non-traditional contexts.

The third annual AI Days will take place in cities across the country this year. Admission to most events is free with exceptions, some require registration.

For more information, visit https://www.dny.ai/.