Brno councillors supported the unique BRNOsat project with CZK 2.4 million this year. The Falcon 9 rocket will launch the BRNOsat satellite into Earth orbit in mid-2026 with an experiment selected from the designs of Brno engineers. Anyone can submit an idea until 15 September at, where basic information and conditions of participation can be found. The selection of experiments will take place in autumn 2024.
The satellite will be the size of a shoebox and will be in orbit at an altitude of about 500 kilometres for up to several years.
The satellite will be the size of a shoebox and will be in orbit at an altitude of about 500 kilometres for several years.
Behind the challenge to space basters are the Brno Observatory and Planetarium, the Research and Testing Institute of Aerospace and the company Spacemanic CZ. The project is part of the promotion of technical and science education in the South Moravian region.